Friday, May 10, 2013


How in the fuck did Iron Man, Tony fucking Stark,  get through the worm hole?

Alright now, I have not written anything on this blog in a while. so bear with with. I'm just going to type some thoughts I have been having, regarding some weird shit thats really not weird at all.

As you can tell, I recently watched Iron Man 3, and it sparked me to write some stuff up. This write up does not have anything to do with God, and everything to do with the Universe, which in essence is the Web of God, so God has everything to do with this write up. or not. but anyway, I digress.

As I have gotten older, I have become enamored with the subtle teachings that movies provide in regards to the universe, and the truthfulness of some of these teachings. Many of our favorite comic books turned movies involve a lot of fantasy, and even more of universal knowledge than we may expect. these god-like being, can people really become that? In Iron Man 3, there is a hypothesis displayed that reasons the powers held by humans when we are able to utilize the full capacity of our brains. to date, it is known that the average American human being uses between 8-10% of their brains 'power', and up to only 5% at time. kind of wack really. If humans were able to use their brains full potential energy, coupled with altering DNA...craziness would ensue. use your own imagination, as I'm not going to go deeper into that shit.  just think, altering weather & kinetics, reading minds...

I'm high so I'm going to end this. bye.

1 comment:

  1. That 10% is a myth...we might not use 100% at the same time but over the course of 24hrs we use 100% of our brain.
    Think of it like a CPU if 75-100% were in constant use we'd burn out. The brain already uses 20% of the body's energy
